Off Guardian

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Off Guardian is run by journalists who left the UK’s Guardian newspaper in order to deliver the truth. Whether they do or not is irrelevant to the fact that they offer a different perspective to current affairs, going where main media rarely goes.

Off Guardian

Global Genre Magazines

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It’s a fact that the most successful, global reach, genre magazines are hardly known is any individual country, even by writers. Which is a shame as they offer many opportunities for writers – and most pay well, too. So here’s a sample.

Asimov’s Science Fiction

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine


Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine


Outer Limits Magazine

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uneXplained to whY

Outer Limits Magazine is principally about Ufology. Published in the UK, it has attracted contributions from some major Ufologists. Covering news and features, it is an eMagazine only available by subscription, but the price is fair and well worth it.

Outer Limits Magazine



Friends of the Earth

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Friends of the Earth is one of the premier global environmental movements. The featured website is their international one, but many countries have their own. Useful for environmental news and what campaigns are ongoing, it is well worth taking a look.

Friends of the Earth


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Ghostvillage is a website stuffed full of ghostly encounters, pod casts and news. Well worth a visit if you like all things paranormal. There’s even a facility to report your own encounters. For fun or as a serious researcher, give it a try.


One World

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One World covers the globe and includes subjects ranging from social issues to the environment. Often giving a different perspective, it touches the subjects main media rarely does.

One World