Friday Fictioneers

Welcome to KEYUDOS, the site of
opportunity & success in
Pop Lit & P-ology.
See About page
Scroll down for the various campaigns & websites of interest. I can be messaged on any of the 3 buttons on the header. I’m an ME/cfs sufferer so please keep them short. See ‘categories’ at bottom of site for more posts on this subject. PopLitChallenge also welcomes green aphorisms, news bits, etc.

Friday Fictioneers posts on a Wednesday, giving you time to polish your story. If you want a go, copy and paste the picture to your blog, write a story based on the picture in 100 words or less, put your post url in their linkage system and go see the others and comment. The more you participate, the more feedback you get.

Friday Fictioneers